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Bone Broth is Back

It’s warming up out there, so it seems like cold and flu season should be over. Oddly, I keep running into people who are getting sick or are struggling to kick what ails them. It’s time to make bone broth and incorporate it into your diet regularly. As a culture, we got away from making bone broth. It was no longer fashionable. The need to boil bones indicated that your monetary resources were low. Bone broth is fashionable again because it is incredibly nutritious. You can buy it for $14 - $20 for few ounces or, better yet, you can make it yourself so easily for pennies.

Bone broth supports healing the intestinal lining and boosting the immune system (70% of your immune system resides in your intestines), managing food intolerances or allergies, improving joint health, reducing cellulite and inflammation because it contains minerals, amino acids and collagen.

  1. Save bones from beef, chicken or fish in the freezer.

  2. Fill a large crock pot with the bones.

  3. Cover the bones with filtered water.

  4. Add a good splash of raw Apple Cider Vinegar (or 2 T if you insist on measuring).

  5. Turn the crock pot to its lowest setting or longest cook time.

  6. Throughout the days, check your broth and add more filtered water if necessary.

  7. Cook for 48 – 72 hours. You know you have extracted the marrow goodness when bones bend in half easily.

  8. Separate the bones and liquid through a colander.

  9. You can skim the fat before use / storage or you can refrigerate the broth and skim the fat (easiest).

  10. Drink the broth alone, use it to make quinoa, rice or pasta, use it in soup, cauliflower or sweet potato mash.

Get into the habit of making broth each month and incorporating it into your recipes. It can be frozen for future use.

Note: if your spouse complains about salivating all night and being unable to sleep because of the smell of the broth, move the crock pot with the broth to the basement, garage or an enclosed room in order to keep a happy marriage.

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